Anthropomorphine #4, published in the summer of 1995, debuting at GenCon '95, Lazy Fox Studios being a guest of Unigraphix art. 64 pages, A4 sized.
Featuring art by;
Monika Livingstone (cover artist)
Scott Alston,
Chris Berdoz
Maggie DeAlarcon,
Miskatonic Gryn,
Terry Knight
Jason McIntosh,
Joseph Ny
Roy D Pounds
Ted Sheppard, Tygger
With stories/features;
'What's New At The RTBDA.' By Robert Serocki.
'Cyberan (Chapter 1) The Beginning.' By Chris Berdoz.
'Toho Academy Filly-al Affections.' By Simon Barber.
'Hare-Man and She-Rat Go Shopping.' By Sean Charlesworth.
'The Dorm.' By -Name redacted-.
'The Wildside (Part 4) Back From The Dead.' By Foxy.
'Alex At The Bat.' By Scott Alston.